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How to get stylish ID photos?

How to get stylish ID photos?

Everyone is embarrassed about their passport photo. It is extremely rare to hear about a person’s successful appearance in an official photograph. Yes, a lot depends on the photographer and his skill with the camera and photo editors. However, something depends on you as well.


Don’t raise your head too high. Some people think it makes you look nobler, but it looks weird.Don’t take it too far back either. It’s better to relax your neck and jaw and imagine you’re looking at something beautiful.


A wide smile is inappropriate for official documents. Even if you are the owner of the most charming smile in the world. However, you should not make a tragic face, as was customary a couple of decades ago. You can just slightly lift the corners of your mouth and tone your eyebrows. The face will become open.


Don’t frown. Just imagine something nice and beautiful. For example, flowers or a double bonus.Take care of your appearance beforehand, do light styling and natural makeup. Don’t apply pearlescent and shiny textures to your face. The camera will not reflect them beautifully.


It is better to choose a suit of a neutral shade and color that suits you. Too bright colors will look out of place.